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🎁 Zugang für ein Jahr

Paket 1 von 4: Lemon Peel
$60 Einmalige Zahlung
5 Gastzugänge inklusive
Paket 2 von 4: Lemon Zest
$108 Einmalige Zahlung

I will like you a lot

3 von 100 erreicht
Paket 3 von 4: Lemon Juice
$168 Einmalige Zahlung

I will like you a lot.
I will smile when I think of you.

Paket 4 von 4: Lemon Flesh
$288 Einmalige Zahlung

I will like you a lot.
I will smile when I think of you.
I will look in the distance thinking of your elbow.
I will eat a ham sandwich while thinking of your ears.
I will brush my hair thinking of your t-shirts.
I will iron my shirts thinking of your mailbox.
I will write poems thinking of your second cousin.
I will go to bed thinking of your pillow.
I will brush my teeth thinking of your favorite cat picture.
I will drink my favorite lemonade thinking how you are giving me money for supporting me and how with this money I can buy the lemonade I will be drinking at that very moment.
That's it.

Paket 1 von 4: Lemon Peel
$60 Einmalige Zahlung
5 Gastzugänge inklusive
Paket 2 von 4: Lemon Zest
$108 Einmalige Zahlung

I will like you a lot

3 von 100 erreicht
Paket 3 von 4: Lemon Juice
$168 Einmalige Zahlung

I will like you a lot.
I will smile when I think of you.

Paket 4 von 4: Lemon Flesh
$288 Einmalige Zahlung

I will like you a lot.
I will smile when I think of you.
I will look in the distance thinking of your elbow.
I will eat a ham sandwich while thinking of your ears.
I will brush my hair thinking of your t-shirts.
I will iron my shirts thinking of your mailbox.
I will write poems thinking of your second cousin.
I will go to bed thinking of your pillow.
I will brush my teeth thinking of your favorite cat picture.
I will drink my favorite lemonade thinking how you are giving me money for supporting me and how with this money I can buy the lemonade I will be drinking at that very moment.
That's it.

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