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import React, { useRef, useEffect, useState, useCallback, useMemo } from 'react'   import { convertToRaw } from 'draft-js'   import { convertToHtml } from './html_export.jsx'   import { isPostNew, stripUploadingEntities } from './helpers'   import { debounce } from '../../util/function'   import { paywallSettingKeysToCamelCase } from './api'   import { PostContext } from './post_context.jsx'   import Editor from './editor.jsx'   import { AUTOSAVE_STATES } from './constants'   import AutoSaveStatus from './autosave_status.jsx'   import { CaretRight } from './icons.jsx'   const DEFAULT_AUTOSAVE_TIMEOUT = 2000       export default function EditorForm ({     autosave,     autosaveTimeout,     revert,     rawOutputSelector,     htmlOutputSelector,     referenceHtmlOutput,     submitButtonText   }) {    const postContext = React.useContext(PostContext)    const [saveState, setSaveState] = useState(AUTOSAVE_STATES.NO_CHANGES)    const rawOutputField = useRef(document.querySelector(rawOutputSelector))    const htmlOutputField = useRef(document.querySelector(htmlOutputSelector))        const getShowRevert = () => {    const paywallSettingsKeyPairs = [    ['image', 'draftImage'],    ['pitch', 'draftPitch'],    ['ctaText', 'draftCtaText']    ]        return htmlOutputField.current.value !== referenceHtmlOutput ||    paywallSettingsKeyPairs.some(keyPair =>    postContext.paywallSettings[keyPair[0]] !==    postContext.paywallSettings[keyPair[1]]    )    }    const [showRevert, setShowRevert] = useState(getShowRevert())        const initialValue = rawOutputField.current.value        // We keep the editorState also in a ref to avoid having to re-attach the event handler    // on every render, which would be needed to keep editorState up-to-date    // (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)    const latestEditorState = useRef(null)        const persistEditorStateToForm = useCallback(() => {    pushEditURLToHistory()    const contentState = stripUploadingEntities(latestEditorState.current).getCurrentContent()        rawOutputField.current.value = JSON.stringify(convertToRaw(contentState))    htmlOutputField.current.value = convertToHtml(contentState)    setShowRevert(getShowRevert())    }, []) // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps        const handleSubmit = persistEditorStateToForm        const handleChange = (editorState, { force } = {}) => {    const stateHasChanged =    latestEditorState.current && (latestEditorState.current.getCurrentContent() !== editorState.getCurrentContent())    latestEditorState.current = editorState        if ((force || stateHasChanged) && editorState.getCurrentContent().hasText()) {    setSaveState(AUTOSAVE_STATES.UNSAVED)    debouncedAutosave()    }    }        const pushEditURLToHistory = () => {    if (isPostNew()) {    const newLocation = window.location.href.replace(/\/posts\/new$/, `/posts/${}/edit`)    up.history.replace(newLocation)    }    }        const immediateAutosave = async () => {    persistEditorStateToForm()    setSaveState(AUTOSAVE_STATES.SAVING)    try {    const payload = await autosave()        if (payload.paywall_settings) {    postContext.setPaywallSettings(paywallSettingKeysToCamelCase(payload.paywall_settings))    }        pushEditURLToHistory()        setSaveState(AUTOSAVE_STATES.SAVED)    } catch {    setSaveState(AUTOSAVE_STATES.ERROR)    }    }        const debouncedAutosave = useMemo(() =>    debounce(immediateAutosave, autosaveTimeout || DEFAULT_AUTOSAVE_TIMEOUT),    [autosaveTimeout, autosave, persistEditorStateToForm, postContext] // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps    )        useEffect(() => {    htmlOutputField.current.form.addEventListener('submit', handleSubmit)    const form = htmlOutputField.current.form    return () => {    form.removeEventListener('submit', handleSubmit)    }    }, [handleSubmit])        useEffect(() => {    // update revert button visibility when paywall settings change    setShowRevert(getShowRevert())    }, [postContext, getShowRevert])        const renderedAutoSaveStatus =    <AutoSaveStatus saveState={saveState}>    <button type="submit" className="editor_controls__submit_button">    {submitButtonText} <CaretRight />    </button>    </AutoSaveStatus>        const onRevert = async () => {    const { body, rawBody, paywallSettings } = await revert(    rawOutputField.current.value = rawBody    htmlOutputField.current.value = body    setShowRevert(false)    postContext.setPaywallSettings(paywallSettingKeysToCamelCase(paywallSettings))    return { body, rawBody }    }        return <Editor    onRevert={onRevert}    showRevert={showRevert}    initialValue={initialValue}    onChange={handleChange}    immediateAutosave={immediateAutosave}    autoSaveStatus={renderedAutoSaveStatus}    submitButtonText={submitButtonText}    />



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