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How to handle rainy Berlin weather 🌧️

The answer is simple: Just escape the snowy but sunny mountains!

When comparing the charm of snowy mountain weather to the often dreary rainy days in Berlin, it’s easy to see why many prefer the crisp allure of the peaks. Here’s why:

  1. The Scenic Beauty
    Snow-covered mountains are breathtaking, transforming the landscape into a winter wonderland. Fresh, glittering snow blankets the peaks, forests, and valleys, offering picturesque views that inspire awe. Rainy Berlin, by contrast, can feel gray and uninspiring, with clouds often dulling the city’s charm.

  2. Refreshing Atmosphere
    Snowy mountain air is crisp, clean, and invigorating. It rejuvenates the body and mind, providing an escape from the urban hustle. Berlin’s rainy weather often brings dampness and a lingering chill that clings to the air, making it feel less refreshing and more oppressive.

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