Become a member of inflation
prices are increasing
by Michal
Choose your membership
Plan 1 out of 4: cheap
4 €
/ month
4 € per month
48 € billed annually - Save 11%
new plan
Plan 2 out of 4: new plan
8,50 €
/ month
8,50 € per month
102 € billed annually
Plan 3 out of 4: default
5 €
/ month
5 € per month
60 € billed annually - Save 17%
to fail to do something, such as pay a debt, that you legally have to do
Plan 4 out of 4: expensive
11 €
/ month
11 € per month
132 € billed annually - Save 8%
Plan 1 out of 4: cheap
4 €
/ month
4 € per month
48 € billed annually - Save 11%
new plan
Plan 2 out of 4: new plan
8,50 €
/ month
8,50 € per month
102 € billed annually
Plan 3 out of 4: default
5 €
/ month
5 € per month
60 € billed annually - Save 17%
to fail to do something, such as pay a debt, that you legally have to do
Plan 4 out of 4: expensive
11 €
/ month
11 € per month
132 € billed annually - Save 8%
Plan 1 out of 4: cheap
4,50 €
/ month
4,50 € per month
new plan
Plan 2 out of 4: new plan
6 €
/ month
6 € per month
Plan 3 out of 4: default
6 €
/ month
6 € per month
to fail to do something, such as pay a debt, that you legally have to do
Plan 3 out of 4: default
6 €
/ month
6 € per month
to fail to do something, such as pay a debt, that you legally have to do
So far 7 members support inflation with 43 € per month